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Jim Klements Receives CORFAC International 2015 Olen Monsees Award


CORFAC International announced its annual Charlie King MVP Award, Thomas B. Hayes Award, Olen Monsees Award winners and the 2015 Standards of Excellence Award winners at its annual Fall Summit held September 9-12 in Minneapolis, MN.

CORFAC 2015 President Scott Savacool, CCIM, SIOR, presented Tom Martindale, SIOR, President of San Francisco-based TRI Commercial/CORFAC International, with the Charlie King MVP Award. Martindale received the award for his exemplary leadership as a member of CORFAC’s Execu- tive Committee and past chair of its Commu- nications Committee, among many other con- tributions he has made to the organization. (Also pictured: Mike Lewis and John Homsher.)

Charles B. “Charlie” King is one of the founders of CORFAC International, as well as the founder of King Industrial Realty/CORFAC Interna- tional in Atlanta, GA. The award was created to recognize King’s dedication to CORFAC.

Savacool also presented the Thomas B. Hayes Award to Phill Tomlinson, a sales and leasing consultant with Commercial Properties Inc./CORFAC International in Phoenix, AZ. The Thomas B. Hayes Award was originally created to recognize a former CORFAC member who remained on the cutting edge of technology integration in commercial real estate. In recent years, Tomlinson has led best practices workshops and educational sessions at CORFAC conferences on social media, new industry apps and other technology trends.

Finally, James “Jim” E. Klements, CPA, SIOR, with Cleveland OH-based Weber Wood Medinger/CORFAC International, was honored with the Olen Monsees Award. Named in honor of Olen Monsees (1940-2012), former president of Karbank Real Estate Company/CORFAC International in Kansas City, MO, the award recognizes an individual member who goes above and beyond the call of duty without being asked.

Throughout his distinguished career, Monsees worked with a natural sense of responsibility, without complaint or excuses. Klements has formerly served on CORFAC’s Executive Committee, has been a consistent leader in CORFAC for many years, and is one of the organization’s top referring brokers in multi-market transactions.

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